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Patrick Bickersteth PhD (Dr. Pat B)

I am a retired psychologist whose career was cut short six years ago by a central cord injury that left me an incomplete quadriplegic. The ebook I just published has kept my mind constructively engaged and calm. It presents the same help I offered in my practice to people with emotional issues and ideas I, myself, practice to maintain a rational and balanced outlook.

What The Heck is “SOPS”?

By Your Emotional Wellness
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE HOUSTON THERE’S A PROBLEM IN THE SYSTEM SOPS stands for Safety-Oriented Personality Style. So what is it or what exactly does it mean to say a person has SOPS? Well, let’s look at how it appears to work. To begin with SOPS is an emotion-based condition. The technical name is: Phobicentric Psychopathology (PCP). We know that emotions are expressed in behaviors like laughing, crying, anger, sadness and fear. They are however expressed in many…
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Time To Replace Party Politics With New Radical Thinking

By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE The Problem The operating principle in almost all democratic legislatures is based a system of party politics. Customarily, that system consists of a party that forms the government. Against this ruling party is an official opposition and the two must be in an adversarial relationship. In some countries the opposition party is a formality or non-existent. In Canada, usually, a third party, may team up with the government to enable them to hold on…
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Can Happiness Change The Topsy-Turvy Compensation Principles In The Business World?

By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE Can Happiness Change The Topsy-Turvy Compensation Principles In The Business World? Businesses appear in general to be run on a “Me-First” or Pay Yourself First Principle. By this ground rule, the Owners and next, if there is one, Executive Management are the first to take what they want from the income of the business: the next level gets what they want, as long as it does not jeopardize what those at the top can…
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Part 3: How our world will look like with Peace of Mind, Inner Peace and Happiness all around us

By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE Rebuilding our world with Peace of Mind, Inner Peace and Happiness all around us Based on the information you have received so far, here’s the happiness pledge that an individual, couple, informal or formal small or large group needs to make to change our world: “I / We pledge to do everything possible to enable world peace and stop being a part of the problem.” So now let’s examine the New World that will…
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Part 2: IP/PoM/Happiness Does Provide The Necessary Tools For World Peace

By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE Necessary Tools for World Peace What about Group 2? This group comprises those who cannot see past potential obstructions to peace or don’t have ideas to contribute to addressing the problem of war for the following reasons: The current state of the world is one in which unrest is creeping into almost every corner of the globe, disagreement within and between nations is increasingly pulling people apart rather than uniting them; and sooner or…
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Part 1: Yes, Your Happiness Can Bring About World Peace

By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE If you do not wish for world peace, beware! After reading this piece you WILL be fired up to bring happiness, money or not, to yourself and others. This blog offers a user-friendly, but hidden-in-plain-sight method of how to achieve world peace through every individual and a majority of us acquiring happiness, Inner Peace or Peace of Mind. This is not about a Pollyanna “have no cares” kind of happiness. It is about developing…
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By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE What Is the Scientific Basis for Dismissing Belief in God? And Why Do Many Governments and Business Organizations officially Accept Science but Reject Theology? The answer to this title question is: No objective reasons can be given. Scientific research cannot or apparently has never shown empirical proof there is no God. In the absence of such evidence, for or against the existence of God it is unclear, if not mystifying, why scientists make statements…
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Is Money The Best Source Of Inner Peace?

By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE MONEY ISN’T EVERYTHING; BUT STATE OF MIND IS Everyone is looking for a way to advance their financial position, power and influence, from which come other personal benefits. With very few exceptions all ambitions in diverse areas of life worldwide are aimed ultimately at multiplying economic resources endlessly. Probably only two other goals rival the lure of money for life satisfaction. These would be the pursuit of sexual pleasure and surrendering to religious…
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By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE A question arises whether the supposed rivalry between Science and Christianity is based largely on perception. Considering the matter from outside of the pressures from the official bureaucratic structures of both sides one wonders what it is that makes people see the problem in one way or another. Take these two stories for example: Story #1 In a West African village an unschooled old man, Tamba, was speaking with someone who seemed to be…
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By Bringing Peace & Joy To The World
DOWNLOAD COPY OF THIS ARTICLE HERE Let’s take the argument one step further why Science needs to demonstrate the facts that explain the paths of evolution as it now stands. It is important that they describe the factual characteristics of the currently “missing pieces” in the theory and not simply present a hypothesis about what’s missing. In the absence of those facts, the unexplained gaps could in fact indicate the end of that line or perhaps a surprising mixed-featured creature…
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